22 / April / 2017 06:03

Visit with Iranian, Russian presidents not unlikely, says Syria’s Assad

Visit with Iranian, Russian presidents not unlikely, says Syria’s Assad

EghtesadOnline: Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has not ruled out a trilateral meeting to take place between him and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in the future.

News ID: 741083

If necessary, it is possible for us to meet in the future, Assad said, according to reports by Russian media on Friday. 

It is a good idea to have a meeting, the Syrian president said, adding that achieving goals is the main priority of his government, according to IRNA. 

Assad also said that it was not important the visits were going to take place at what level.

Those participating in the meetings, regardless of their capacity and position, are going to represent their own countries and governments, he said. 

Iran, Russia and Syria hold the same stance regarding regional issues, including fighting terrorism; an stance quite different from that adopted by the West.

The recent meeting between the three countries’ foreign ministers in Moscow showed very well that Iran, Russia and Syria act in the same way to confront terrorism while they demonstrated at the same time that they are against violating Syria’s national sovereignty. 

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